LogoAllySha Fitness


Can’t stay consistent? Always feel like you are overwhelmed when you start your fitness journey…and then end up quitting? YOU’RE NOT ALONE!! Working with your brain and not against it will completely transform the way you view fitness! My workouts are quick and effective! Train anywhere!! Training for hours to get results---is a no go 4 me!!! I designed this app specifically for busy women with goals, that lives do not revolve around the "traditional fitness mentality". You will gain access to my exact workouts, all my recipes, sample meal plans, and tips to shifting your mindset. You can follow my exact workouts, make your own plan each day, or simply try different styles & figure out what works best for you. Are ready to take control of your fitness journey?

Plan Includes

  • Tips and tricks I use to stay fit with ADHD

  • Full Body Workouts

  • Functional Fitness

  • Home Body Program

  • Gym Body Workouts

  • HIIT Workouts

  • Lower/Upper Body Workouts

  • Glute Program

  • Progress Tracker

  • Food Tracker

  • Recipe Guide

  • Supplement Guide

  • Mindset Tips

  • Nutrition Tips & Tricks


How it works

  • Purchase on website
  • Gain Immediate Access
  • Start you fitness journey!
  • Reach out if you have any questions!
  • Follow on Insta and TikTok!!



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